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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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I got this…

I don’t always know what I am doing. Do you? It’s ridiculous to think even an expert knows everything about their field. When someone asks you how to do something or to do something for them, don’t be afraid to say it — I don’t know, but I’ll find out. In an industry where technology changes…


Creating Customers for Life

Sales and marketing are important, but they’re not everything. Branding is what creates customers for life.Branding is more than just a logo or a jingle. It’s the feeling you get when you interact with a company. It’s the experience you have, not just the product you buy.It’s how you feel in the moment you interact with…


Magnify what matters

I can’t remember where this came from, but this post-it hangs over my desk: I want to hang out with people who help me grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. The amazing Patti Smith says “In times of strife, we have our imagination, we have our creative impulse, which are things that are more important than…


Doh, did you forget? 😳

I keep notifications turned off when I am focused on doing my actual work. On occasion, I space about a scheduled meeting. It’s embarrassing! Well, this great little Chrome extension adds a tiny button on your Google Chrome toolbar where you can see all your appointments for the next 7 days. In one handy drop-down,…


You are what you focus on

“Who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love—is the sum of what you focus on.” I’m currently reading Deep Work by Cal Newport and have been thinking a lot about this. “…We tend to place a lot of emphasis on our circumstances, assuming that what happens to us (or fails to…


Clarity Over Brevity

Brevity is being concise and exact with your words. Clarity means your words are coherent and intelligible. In a showdown, clarity wins every time. In a world where people are short on time and long on options, she who communicates clearly, wins.


🤔 Embracing Confusion

The best thing that can happen, if you care about learning and unleashing potential, is for you to get confused.“Confusion is indicative of the fact that you are having an experience that’s different than what you expected, and that confusion is necessary to start to make sense of the world, yourself, and the connection between…


🌟 Be interesting

How to win friends and influence people: Listen more. Talk less.  Being genuinely interested in others makes you more interesting. Make people feel important or understood, and they will want more. Hell, it worked for James Bond! Original blackout poem | limited ed. prints


Make Gmail more effective ✉️

You may spend the majority of your day with Gmail open in a browser tab, but have you ever really examined under the hood? Make Gmail more effective than ever with a dozen of Gmail’s most helpful yet least visible settings you didn’t know you needed!


The happy secret 😀

Did you know that when we are happy and positive, intelligence rises, energy rises and creativity rises? Or that the brain at positive performs better than negative, neutral or stressed? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor shares The happy secret to better work.