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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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Essential questions entrepreneurs should ask themselves

Humans are really good at asking questions and looking for answers.The latest data shows that Google processes over 99,000 searches every single second (Internet Live Stats, 2022). This makes more than 8.5 billion searches a day (Internet Live Stats, 2022). Why, then, do we as entrepreneurs struggle to ask ourselves these essential questions? What are we doing? (What are…


Is it stupid enough?

Embed from Getty Images   Laurie Anderson has done just about everything a creative person can do.For every piece she’s working on (regardless of the medium — song, painting, sculpture, etc), she asks herself these 5 questions to figure out whether it’s any good or not: Is it complicated enough? Is it simple enough? Is it crazy…


You just need to decide

What are the five big decisions on your desk right now?* Would others in your position have a different list?* How much of your day is spent learning what you need to know to make those decisions?* And can you make them all by Tuesday?* You don’t need more time. You just need to decide….


Are you actually doing the work?

Now that you’ve answered, or at least pondered Your Year in Review Essential Questions, I have one more for you: How will you hold yourself accountable? It’s really hard to stay on track when life throws huge flaming obstacles at you. Things will happen that are beyond your control, and you will inevitably create your…


What excites you for the year ahead?

Happy hump day 🙂Today’s question is:What excites you for the year ahead? And as promised, here is my answer: I’m inspired and excited about rebooting my Fresh Squeezed emails and finally launching my Smartist Way™ course. It’s been a ricidulously LONG time coming. Launching Optimists Attract  – An e-commerce brand of goods and apparel to express your…


Recommit your focus

Today let’s ask ourselves: Where would you like to recommit your focus? My answer: On the things that fuel me. On further reducing my exchange of time for money. On getting even more focused on which clients and projects I accept. On my own projects and art. Your turn! Reply in the comments below and…


How do you make them feel?

The best marketing is not about what you say, but how you make people feel. What if you were able to make people feel good, safe, reassured, inspired? What if you made someone feel really special? What would happen then? Well I’ll tell you… They will want to buy your products, invest in what you’re…


Fresh Squeezed 006: When things don’t go as planned

Sometimes, despite all our efforts, things don’t go as planned. Shocking, I know! This Fresh Squeezed email is supposed to go out on Tuesdays at 7am. I didn’t make it happen this week. I’m sure I could have, but I prioritized other things knowing the repercussions of pushing this back were more palatable than those…