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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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What might you accomplish?

Have you ever not done something you wanted to do because you were afraid of doing it wrong? Have you ever felt like you can’t do something because that’s just the way it is? Maybe you want to write a book, but you’re afraid that you’re not good enough. Me too. Self-limiting language can hold…


Could I do better?

The truth is, we will never be able to do “enough.” Rather than “Can I do more?” what if we ask “Could I do better?” It’s not about “finding the time.” It’s about how we spend our limited resources of time and energy. Do less, but do it better. That’s where the magic happens. Alohomora,


I got this…

I don’t always know what I am doing. Do you? It’s ridiculous to think even an expert knows everything about their field. When someone asks you how to do something or to do something for them, don’t be afraid to say it — I don’t know, but I’ll find out. In an industry where technology changes…


You are what you focus on

“Who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love—is the sum of what you focus on.” I’m currently reading Deep Work by Cal Newport and have been thinking a lot about this. “…We tend to place a lot of emphasis on our circumstances, assuming that what happens to us (or fails to…