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repurpose content

Repurpose content to accomplish more by doing less

It takes much less effort to repurpose content in different formats than to create new content.

Content creation can be very time consuming. As a smartist, I strive to be efficient and find as many ways as possible to repurpose content I have created, be it for myself or a client.

My client IRC Wealth recently held a live seminar for small business owners about driving growth through change. What follows is an example of how this single event will yield a vast amount of marketing opportunities by simply repurposing content.

Create Podcasts and blog posts to support and promote it

  • As the speakers were preparing their content for the event, we recorded individual podcasts with each.
  • We created a blog post for each one that summarized the content, included the audio recording, and a pdf transcript of the full episode.

We used these to promote the event, and they will live on as evergreen content on each speaker’s site and in podcast directories such as iTunes.

Submit your podcasts to services such as:

Create and distribute press releases

To help promote the live event, we put out a press release about the event through various web services and also published it on While the initial hype will certainly die down, there is evergreen SEO value in the version published on the IRC Wealth website.

Submit press releases to services such as:
24/7 Press Release
Online PR Media

For a local audience, we use Atlanta DayBook

Repurpose presentation slides

We created a Powerpoint presentation for the live event. Some of the slides can be repurposed for social media in the form of shareable images/memes. Others make for good text posts linking back to related blog posts, videos, webinars, etc.

Retooling the presentation will make it suitable for posting to Slideshare and/or Scribd. Here the slideshow would be a stand-alone marketing and the viewer will not have the benefit of hearing the speaker. Each slide should include one key point. Add an introduction slide and a closing slide with your contact information and upload it to Slideshare and Scribd, and be sure tag it appropriately.

Audio/video replay

We recorded the live event (audio and video) and will create a video podcast episode of each speaker’s presentation. We’ll mix in the speaker’s slides along with video of them presenting. We’ll provide an audio-only version for those that prefer to listen on the go. In addition, each episode will be featured in its own blog post. These could also be used as lead magnets on websites — access in exchange for name and email address.

Another option would be to publish these to services like Youtube and Vimeo – expanding your reach. You could still drive lead capture with a call to action and link back to your site for something further.

Repurpose content as a webinar

By combining the slides with each speaker’s audio track or a new voice-over we can offer it as an on-demand webinar or series of webinars (one featuring each of four presenters). Further, these can be posted on Youtube and Vimeo to expand their reach. They could also be used as lead magnets on websites — access in exchange for name and email address.

Post videos to sites such as:

Whitepapers and ebooks

Repurpose content and images as ebooks or whitepapers. These could be used as lead magnets on websites — download in exchange for name and email address. They could also be placed on Amazon, Scribd, Gumroad, and more.

Infographics and videographics

Some presentation content may make great infographics.  Start with a statistic, graph or chart and graphically enhance it. There are free tools that may help such as Canva, Piktochart or Infogram. Of course, hiring a professional is always a good option.  Feature your inforgraphics in your blog and on social media.

Videographics are similar to infographics only animated. In fact, you could simply animate your infographic. One of the simplest ways to do this is with Keynote or Powerpoint. Add animation and voice over and save the finished piece as a video file. Upload your videographic to sites such as Youtube and Vimeo and share it on social media. You can also feature it in a blog post on your own site.

Post videographics to sites such as:

Repost content on Medium and Quora

Anyone can sign up for a free Medium account and start publishing stand-alone posts or contributing to collections of curated stories. You can also curate a collection of your own.

Quora is a social answers site where you can repurpose content either in replies to questions or as posts in your own blog.

Repurpose content as an online course

Email autoresponder courses allows a user to sign up and then through an email service such as Mailchimp, you to drip your content slowly to your readers, building trust over time.

Another option is to offer your course via e-Learning services such as Udemy, Skillshare, or others.


Do you have other ideas for how to get more mileage from your content? Please share in the comments below.


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