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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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Converting Readers to Believers

With so much information at our fingertips, it can be difficult to get your message heard above the noise. By building a relationship of trust, you will be able to convert readers into believers and get your message heard. And building a relationship of trust is essential for any successful communication campaign. When readers trust what…


Effortless thought-leadership: simplify and speed up your process

54% of decision-makers say they spend more than one hour per week reading and reviewing thought-leadership content. (Edelman/LinkedIn 2021)¹ What if your content is the one that captures their attention and becomes their go-to source for information on a particular topic? Producing thought-leadership content can be a daunting task. Most of us don’t have the time…


Give Away Your Knowledge

People are not really looking for information (like this post), but they ARE looking for a solution to their problem.Giving away your knowledge is not only a great way to help others, but it is also a great way to build your own brand and business. When you show people that you know what you…