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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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11.4 pieces of content — move prospects through the buying process

Buyers spend hours gathering information and comparing their options before they make a purchase. According to Forrester, on average a person consumes 11.4 pieces of content before making a purchase decision.Now, this doesn’t mean go create sh*t-tons of content. But it does mean be strategic about the content you do create. You want to create an intentional…

And the answer is…sales

And the answer is…Sales

Why are you creating and promoting content?   Let me answer that for you, it’s sales. It is always sales.  Yes, leads convert to sales. That is part of it. But ultimately, the goal is sales.   You don’t need a website, you need sales. You don’t need followers, you need sales. You don’t need subscribers, you…

No one needs more content

No one really needs MORE content from you

No one really needs MORE content from you. What if I told you that Nobody really wants more information from you.  Nobody wants your free plus shipping book. Nobody wants your free checklist. They don’t even really want your paid content. Whaaaaa? Really. They don’t really want information. What they want is the TRANSFORMATION it promises. They want…


I am the obstacle in the pathway of all human progress

I am the obstacle in the pathway of all human progress. Dunno about you, but I sure feel like that some days. I often describe my job as a designer as creating elegantly simple solutions to complex problems. And wow do I excel at seriously complicating the simplest of things. LOL 🤪 I worked with…

Why are you creating content?

Are you committing random acts of content?

It happens. You’re on a deadline or have a jolt of inspiration and you click publish and share. And then weeks go by. Sometimes months. And then it happens again. You might have a million ideas for content but if not directly related to a path that leads to sales,  why do it? There are only…

Achieving goals

What Does Success Look Like?

Defining Your Marketing Goals If we were to be celebrating your success 90-days from now, what would that look like? How many visits? How many leads? How many sales? I know, it’s a tough question, isn’t it? The thing is, you can’t reach a goal you haven’t set. So before your wheels start spinning at warp…

Eisenhower Matrix (urgent-important matrix)

Crush Your Goals with the Urgent-Important Matrix

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”~ Dwight D. Eisenhower Use this matrix to sort your actions based on four possibilities: Urgent and important (tasks you will do immediately). Important, but not urgent (tasks you will schedule to do later). Urgent, but not important (tasks you will automate or…