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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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Revenue is not the only way to keep score

One of the things I love about being an entrepreneur is that there are so many ways to measure success. Revenue is not the only way to keep score. Profit can also be measured in time, energy, and money. What do you value more? Is it more freedom? Time with your family? Financial security? The…


10X vs. 10%

Faced with a multitude of competing demands, it can be easy to work on the wrong things.There are times I have felt I am the poster child for this. I have too many ideas and get caught up in the minutia of what is involved in execution.If we’re not careful, this can lead to wasting…

content marketing goals

How to define better content marketing goals that drive more sales

When you set better goals – goals you are truly motivated to hit, goals you have an emotional connection to — you will be better able to strategically plan content marketing activities that ultimately lead to the business growth you are after. Very often, these are oriented around sales numbers or the freedom that money…

Achieving goals

What Does Success Look Like?

Defining Your Marketing Goals If we were to be celebrating your success 90-days from now, what would that look like? How many visits? How many leads? How many sales? I know, it’s a tough question, isn’t it? The thing is, you can’t reach a goal you haven’t set. So before your wheels start spinning at warp…

Eisenhower Matrix (urgent-important matrix)

Crush Your Goals with the Urgent-Important Matrix

“What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important.”~ Dwight D. Eisenhower Use this matrix to sort your actions based on four possibilities: Urgent and important (tasks you will do immediately). Important, but not urgent (tasks you will schedule to do later). Urgent, but not important (tasks you will automate or…