Fresh Squeezed

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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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How to define better content marketing goals that drive more sales

When you set better goals – goals you are truly motivated to hit, goals you have an emotional connection to — you will be better able to strategically plan content marketing activities that ultimately lead to the business growth you are after. Very often, these are oriented around sales numbers or the freedom that money provides.

In this video, Jodi Hersh, one of the founders of the Content Creators Planner, will show you how defining better content marketing goals will help you drive more sales.


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  1. Jane Roberts on January 24, 2021 at 9:15 am

    Wow. This is super helpful. Perfect post for the new year. And, by the way, your voice is amazing. Like a pro voice over artist! Your delivery is calm, confident, and upbeat without any false enthusiasm. And thank god you didn’t say, “I’m super excited” a single, solitary time. Lol. Instead, you get right to the point, deliver expert advice and all of it without selling a thing or asking anything of me. So easy to listen to. Your words are clear and your sincerity is absolutely authentic. Thank you for this post!

    • Jodi Hersh on January 24, 2021 at 2:55 pm

      Thanks, Jane!! ☺️ Glad you found it helpful. I am conscientious about NOT saying “right, you know and um,” or at least editing out when it happens.

  2. susan Mushinski on January 24, 2021 at 2:44 pm

    How can you figure out you conversion rates and that, if you have just opened you product based website?

    • Jodi Hersh on January 24, 2021 at 3:03 pm

      Hi Susan, I plan to do another video showing how to find the data and calculate these.

      Traffic to lead: Traffic divided by new leads = leads conversion rate
      Lead to sale: No. of leads divided by sales generated by leads = leads conversion rate
      Traffic to sale: traffic divided by sales generated

      We have some Google sheets that will help you with this. You can get them by opting-in for the worksheet from this post

      • Jodi Hersh on January 24, 2021 at 3:16 pm

        Also, when you are just starting out and don’t have data, I’d recommend looking up average conversion rates for your industry and size of business to use as a starting point.

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