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Subscribe to Fresh Squeezed, essential ideas on branding, marketing and growing a small business.

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Indifference — the #1 reason customers change brands/companies

Did you know the #1 reason customers change brands/companies is because of perceived indifference?Too often, customers feel like just another number. And when they don’t feel like your company values them, they’re going to go somewhere that does.The opposite of indifference is care, so start caring about your customers today and they’ll be more likely…


Treat your clients like you love them 🧡

When was the last time you received exceptional customer service? How did it make you feel? Did you tell anyone about it? Treat your clients like you love them. When we feel appreciated and valued, we are more likely to be loyal and stick with a company or person. We are also more likely to…


Now what? How do we buy from you?

It’s no secret that creating a process for converting leads into customers is one of the most important things you can do for your business.But what’s often overlooked is how important it is to make that process clear and easy to follow.One common reason that leads don’t convert into customers is that they are unsure…


Make them feel important

“Everyone wants to feel Important. The more important you make people feel, the more they’ll value their relationship with you. The more interest you show in other people, the more important they’ll feel. Making someone feel important is not difficult, yet is rare in today’s world: pay attention, listen intently, express interest and ask questions.” ~ Excerpt…


Creating Customers for Life

Sales and marketing are important, but they’re not everything. Branding is what creates customers for life.Branding is more than just a logo or a jingle. It’s the feeling you get when you interact with a company. It’s the experience you have, not just the product you buy.It’s how you feel in the moment you interact with…

Remarkable Experiences: Marketing is More Than Content Creation

Remarkable Experiences: Marketing is More Than Content Creation

What do you think of when you hear the word “marketing?” Do you think about advertising? Creating and promoting content? Or, are you thinking about making connections with people? Helping them. Nurturing relationships. The fact is that marketing isn’t just creating and sharing content — it’s all about building meaningful relationships with people so that…